The greatest power has the right word at the right time.
Mark Twain
Exploit your untapped potential
Whatever you do: Communicating what’s important in a timely manner and with the right words is critical to your success. Are you exploiting your potential in communication – or is it largely lying fallow?
What is it about?
Communication in your company has many facets: interpersonal communication within the team, ongoing information of employees, communicating changes, managing crises, positioning yourself optimally in the market, updating customers on the status of work, eliciting customer needs, winning customers, etc.
Have you ever asked yourself whether the market really understands what you do; whether your website, brochures, etc., and you yourself express what you offer in a short, clear and understandable way? and you yourself express what you offer briefly, clearly and comprehensibly; whether your employees have understood where you are heading with your strategy or realignment and what that means for them; whether you are prepared when you have a problem and the media are at the door with cameras and questions; whether interpersonal understanding and cooperation in the team are working smoothly; in short: whether you have removed all the obstacles and obstacles so that your company can be successful?
If you have not yet done this systematically, a potential analysis of your communication will remedy the situation. Simple, solution-oriented, to the point, the analysis provides you with the essentials to optimize your communication.
How does it work?
What do you get out of it?
The analysis of your communication by an outside, unbiased observer – like your potential customers are, by the way – offers you an unbiased view of your situation.
You know where you stand in communication, where potential lies fallow and how you can exploit it to increase the success of your company
An unbiased outside view helps you to recognize blind spots,
brings in new aspects and leads to better solutions.
Federal Office: Effective Communication Project
- Problem
Services and publications of the Federal Office as a high-quality contribution to the internal administrative and public discourse were too little perceived
- Action
Preparation of as-is analysis as well as workshop-based development of target definition, thrusts and measures with the client's project team
- Result
Concrete measures derived for more impact of communication (e.g. social media concept, simplify publications)
Federal Department: Potential Analysis Media Relations
- Problem
The topics and contents of the department were received too little and partly distorted by the media
- Action
Detailed analysis of the media landscape and how it functions, as well as identifying the key levers for effective media work
- Result
Basis created for deriving a strategy for targeted, impact-oriented media work
Foundation: Potential analysis communication & implementation concept
- Problem
Evolved, largely uncoordinated communication to internal and external audiences with high financial requirements
- Action
Detailed analysis of the initial situation and determination of the need for action
- Result
Concrete measures derived for effective, more cost-efficient communication
You will also receive support for this.
Team -
Foster effective collaboration and communication in your teams
Change -
Get your employees on board and involved
Risks -
Defuse your reputation risks
Strategy -
Align your communication with business goals